Central theme

Internet of Things

IoT has become a major economic development opportunity in the digital field. It is a potentially strong market, with the perspective of the digital revolution. From a society point of view, the deployment of connected objects goes hand in hand with the rise of “smart” systems. The stakes are on the optimisation, the deployment, the surveillance, the control of various environments in interaction with the men and women who use them, respecting their freedom and universal rights.

The technologies are still in mutation, or even to be invented, and are expected at various levels:

Communicating objects / Dedicated access networks / Programming, services and integration / Data

Aims and missions

The aims and missions of the chair revolve around three main themes:

Research and innovation

The aim is to develop in-depth expertise and visibility for both partners, in the IoT technological field and applications in various contexts (smart buildings, smart cities…), relying on the SPIE group and the INSA Lyon complementary ecosystems. The development of IoT requires a fundamental reflexion on societal issues, and more particularly on societal acceptability. The chair will aim at developing a network of academic and industrial partners able to reflect on those issues.


The chair will be the basis to offer suitable training on IoT topics. The interaction between Research, industry and engineers training will be reinforced by actions such as seminars, innovative projects, student challenges, end of study projects…

Communication and influence

Communication and influence of the chair are a decisive output to give value to research, to develop interactions with academic, industrial and civilian communities. The chair will therefore organise or participate national, European or international workshops.


The chair relies on the expertise of the CITI Lab. The skills developed within the different teams of the lab integrate the study, modelling, conception and evaluation of technologies for communicating objects and dedicated network architectures. It deals with network, telecom and software matters as well as societal issues such as privacy. The chair will also lean on the skills developed at INSA Lyon or in IMU LabEx.

IoT chair in the news

Read this article about the chair in the magazine Entreprises Numériques.

Presentation videos of the chair


Bearer of the Chair: Jean-Marie Gorce

Bearer of the Chair: Frédéric Le Mouël

Platform engineer: Olivier Nicolas
SPIE ICS-INSA Lyon Chair on the INSA Fundation website
Follow the Chair on Twitter #ChaireIoT