Title: Once upon a time … the deployment
Date and Place: 19/03/ 2019 11:00 in TD-C
Host: Jean-Marie Gorce and Florent de Dinechin
In large distributed systems the resource managements is one key of the efficient. And the deployment of the elements on resources are hidden everywhere, across the network, across the virtualization, across many infrastructures, etc. Through 6 stories we will discover many points of view of the deployment. First adventure, we will see how to deploy a middleware with self-stabilization skill. In the second story, be afraid, we will see how to deploy a secure Cloud Infrastructure. In the following story, we will introduce a deployment tool for reproducibility. The licenses deployment is another weird story with a lot of mysteries. An unbelievable story to deploy a data-driven microservices infrastructure. And finally, we will try to clear up the Fog deployment.
Eddy Caron is an Associate Professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and holds a position with the LIP laboratory (ENS Lyon, France). He is a member of AVALON project from INRIA and Technical Manager for the DIET software package. He received his PhD in C.S. from University de Picardie Jules Verne in 2000 and his HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches) from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon in 2010. His research focuses on distributed computing environment, from P2P to Grid, Cloud and Edge computing. At the middleware level, he deals with a large scope of subjects (scheduling, workflow management, data management, energy management, security, software management, etc.) with the same point of view of the resource magement in heterogeneous environments.
He is involved in many program committees (as HCW, IPDPS, ISPA, CloudTech, etc.). Since 2000, he contributed to more than 30 articles in journal or book chapter and more than 80 publications in international conferences. He was co-chair of the GridRPC working group in OGF. He was coordinator of two french ANR project (LEGO and SPADES). He was workpackage leader in the European project Seed4C around the security. He is the supervisor of 15 Phd (4 in progress). He teaches Distributed system, Architecture Operating System and Network, Grid and Cloud, etc. Moreover he was the Co-funder and Scientific Consultant of a company (SysFera). Deputy Director in charge of call for projects, research transfert and international affairs for the LIP Laboratory. See http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~ecaron for further information.