Conférence Archipel 2024 – du 15 au 18 avril 2024, Insa Lyon (appel à communications ouvert jusqu’au 8 novembre)

Dans le cadre des dégradations globales actuelles (écosystémiques, climatiques, sociales ou politiques), nos sociétés humaines se trouvent confrontées à des enjeux toujours plus pressants. La conférence Archipel a pour objectif de constituer une communauté scientifique francophone s’attachant à faire émerger les questionnements, les cadres de pensée, les méthodes et les outils permettant de traiter des risques systémiques, et plus globalement de penser les futurs de nos sociétés.
Appel à communications (ouvert jusqu’au 8 novembre):

PAW 2023 – AI and Audio Programming Languages – Marie Curie Library, INSA Lyon (France) Dec. 2, 2023

The Programmable Audio Workshop (PAW) is a yearly one day FREE event gathering members of the programmable audio community around scientific talks and hands-on workshops. The 2023 edition of PAW is hosted by the INRIA/INSA/GRAME-CNCM Emeraude Team at the Marie Curie Library of INSA Lyon (France) on December 2nd, 2023. The theme of this year’s PAW is “Artificial Intelligence and Audio Programming Languages” with a strong focus on computer music languages (i.e., Faust, ChucK, and PureData). The main aim of PAW-23 is to give an overview of the various ways artificial intelligence is used and approached in the context of Domain Specific Languages (DSL) for real-time audio Digital Signal Processing (DSP).

More information and registration here

PhD Defence: “Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO) Extended to Social and Multi-Robot Constraints”, Benoit Renault, Amphi Chappe/Lamarr Building, 19th of December 2023 at 2 PM

The defense will take place on Tuesday 19th December at 2 PM in the Heidi Lamarr building (Amphi Chappe), Insa-Lyon, Villeurbanne.


Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO) Extended to Social and Multi-Robot Constraints


As robots become ever more commonplace in human environments, taking care of ever more tasks such as cleaning, security or food service, their current limitations only become more apparent. One such limitation is of their navigation capability in the presence of obstacles: they always avoid them, and freeze in place when avoidance is impossible.

This is what brought about the creation of Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO) algorithms, expected to allow robots to manipulate obstacles as to facilitate their own movement. However, these algorithms were designed under the hypothesis of a single robot per environment, biasing NAMO algorithms into only optimizing the single robot’s displacement cost – without any consideration for humans or other robots. While it is desirable to endow robots with the human capability of moving obstacles, they must however do so while respecting social norms and rules of humans.

We have thus extended the NAMO problem as to take into account these new social and multi-robots aspects. By relying on the concept of affordance spaces, we have developed a social occupation cost model allowing the evaluation of the impact of moved objects on the environment’s navigability. We implemented (and improved) reference NAMO algorithms, in our open source simulation tool, and modified them so that they may plan compromises between robot displacement cost and social occupation cost of moved obstacles – resulting in improved navigability. We also developed an implicit coordination strategy allowing the concurrent execution of these same algorithms by multiple robots as is, without any explicit communication requirements, while preserving the no-collision guarantee; verifying the relevance of our social occupation cost model in the actual presence of other robots. As such, this work constitutes the first steps towards a Social and Multi-Robot NAMO.


    • Philippe Mathieu , Professeur des Universités, Université de Lille, CRISTAL, Rapporteur
    • Fabien Michel, Maître de Conférences HDR, Université Montpellier 2, LIRMM, Rapporteur
    • Julie Dugdale, Professeur des Universités, Université de Grenoble, LIG, Examinatrice
    • Rachid Alami, Directeur de Recherche CNRS émérite, LAAS, Toulouse, Examinateur
    • Olivier Simonin, Professeur des Universités, INSA-Lyon, CITI, Directeur de thèse
    • Jacques Saraydaryan, Enseignant Chercheur, CPE Lyon, CITI, Co-encadrant

PhD Defence: “Human and Network Mobility Management using Mobile Phone Data”, Solohaja Rabenjamina, Amphi Chappe/Lamarr Building, 29th of September 2023 at 2 PM

The defense will take place on Friday 29th December at 2 PM in the Heidi Lamarr building (Amphi Chappe), Insa-Lyon, Villeurbanne.


Human and Network Mobility Management using Mobile Phone Data


Over the past decade, the increasing use of smartphones has led to a significant rise in the volume of data exchanged through mobile networks of telecommunications operators. Each new generation of mobile network generates more data than its predecessor. By 2027, it is estimated that 289 EB of data will be exchanged per month, with 62% originating from the 5G mobile network. This vast availability of data has opened up new research perspectives, particularly in the study of mobility. Mobile data enables studies on larger populations and extended geographical areas.

In this thesis, we demonstrate that the events described in mobile data can also be found in other data sources. Through comparisons between mobile data and sensors detecting human presence, we observe a reasonable correlation. However, certain events, such as synchronization of peak presence or end-of-day activity, exhibit less similarity. We also utilize mobile data to examine the impact of the COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by the French government on land usage in Paris. Our findings indicate that the first lockdown had a profound impact on mobility patterns and land utilization, while the second and third lockdowns had a lesser impact. Lastly, we leverage this data for the reconfiguration of the mobile network in managing user micro-mobility, known as handover. The eNodeBs, which constitute the access network, can have different profiles and categories. By distinguishing between mobile and stationary users, we can optimize resource allocation through network reconfiguration. Dynamic network reconfiguration, employing various eNodeB profiles, also enables resource savings for mobile users.


    • Marco FIORE, Directeur de Recherche, IMDEA Networks, Rapporteur
    • Vania CONAN, Habilité à Diriger des Recherches, Thales, Rapporteur
    • Aline CARNEIRO VIANA, Directeur de Recherche, INRIA, Examinatrice
    • Sahar HOTEIT, Maître de Conférences, Université Paris Saclay, Examinatrice
    • Stefano SECCI, Professeur des Universités, CNAM, Examinateur
    • Hervé RIVANO, Professeur des universités, INSA-Lyon, Directeur de thèse
    • Razvan STANICA, Maître de conférences HDR, INSA-Lyon, Co-directeur de thèse

CITI seminar – François Michaud (Université de Sherbrooke) – 26/05 at 11:00

Speaker: François is Prof. at University of Sherbrooke (Canada), and leading the IntroLab at the 3IT institute.

Date: 26/05/2023

Time: 11h00

Place: Amphi Chappe/Lamarr, 6 avenue des arts, La Doua Campus

Title: Working Toward Human-Robot Symbiosis

Abstract: Human-robot symbiosis implies developing robotic systems that can collaborate with humans in open and ‘messy’ conditions, meaning unpredictable real-life settings, such as those found in assistive healthcare and work environments. Achieving human-robot symbiosis requires humanizing the sensing, perception, reasoning, and actuating capabilities based on evaluating human safety, well-being, acceptability, and usability. Researchers need to adopt a holistic approach enabling robots to seamlessly ‘see, hear and be’ in everyday settings, and design robots that are situationally balanced, in which complexity levels of sensory, motor, and artificial intelligence (AI)/cognitive capabilities are matched with the environment and people. This presentation addresses an overview of interactive robots and systems developed at IntRoLab, Université de Sherbrooke, involving compliant actuators, assistive robot platforms, telepresence robots, vision-based SLAM, drone intrusion, weed remoal robot, robot companion and robotic living labs.

Bio: François Michaud, Ph.D., is an engineer and full professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke, in Québec Canada. Holder of the Canada Research Chair in Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Autonomous Systems from 2001 to 2011, his research activities are aimed at integrating intelligent autonomous robotic systems into everyday operating conditions, to improve the well-being of people. His expertise is in human-robot interaction, assistive robotics, telepresence robotics, robot design and cognitive robotics. He has extensive experience in initiating and conducting interdisciplinary and intersectoral research projects involving collaborators in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, agriculture, child psychiatry, education, cognitive science, manufacturing, arts and automotive. He has published over 225 peer-reviewed papers in journals and international conferences (h-index 50), has been awarded 8 patents, has five significant distributed open source (software and hardware) contributions used by the robotics community, and has received funding over 50 M$ CAD supporting a broad range of research initiatives. He is the founding director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation (3IT) (2008 – 2015), co-founder of Robotique FIRST Quebec (2010 – ), founder of Quebec Strategic Cluster INTER (Interactive Technologies in Rehabilitation Engineering) (2011 – ), and co-founder of a graduate training program CoRoM (COllaborative RObotics for Manufacturing). He is the Editor-in-Chief of Springer Nature Current Robotics Reports. He is also the founding director of the Bachelor of Robotics Engineering Program (2017 – ) at the Université de Sherbrooke, the first and only one in Canada.

CITI PhD Day – 09/03

Le PhD Day du CITI se déroulera le 9 Mars toute la journée dans le bâtiment Chappe/Lamarr de l’Insa-Lyon !

Cette journée conviviale et scientifique est l’occasion rêvée pour découvrir les sujets de recherche du laboratoire et sur les doctorants qui les mènent.

Programme complet ainsi que les profils des doctorants participants ici.

Workshop on Performance Guarantees in Wireless Networks – 08-09/03 @LINCS

The CITI is glad to participate to a 2-day Workshop entitled Performance Guarantees in Wireless Networks, organized by François Baccelli (Inria and Télécom-Paris) and Jean-Marie Gorce (Insa Lyon and Inria Lyon).

The workshop will take place on March 2023, Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th, @LINCS: Télécom-Paris, 19 place Marguerite Perey, Palaiseau, Amphi Rose Dieng.

The web site of the event is here and the list of the confirmed invited speakers and the program are there.

IMPORTANT! Registering is required to attend.

CITI seminar – Pablo Rauzy (Université Paris 8) – 10/02 at 12:15

Speaker: Pablo Rauzy (Université Paris 8)

Date: 10/02/2023

Time: 12h15

Place: Amphi Chappe/Lamarr, 6 avenue des arts, La Doua Campus

Title: Promesses et (dés)illusions : une introduction technocritique aux blockchains

Abstract: Une blockchain est un registre distribué et immuable dans lequel sont écrites des informations qui font consensus. ». Dans cet article, nous commencerons par donner du sens à cette phrase et à l’ensemble des termes qui y sont employés, en nous efforçant quand c’est nécessaire de rendre accessibles les notions informatiques (comme la décentralisation, la distribution, l’immuabilité, ou le consensus) et le fonctionnement technique des outils cryptographiques sous-jacents (comme les condensats, les signatures, ou la preuve de travail ou d’enjeu). L’objectif de cette introduction sera d’atteindre une compréhension réelle de ce qu’est une blockchain.

Ainsi équipé·es, nous discuterons ensuite de ce que les blockchains permettent effectivement d’accomplir, et donc surtout ce qu’elles ne permettent pas. Nous questionnerons alors les utilisations qui en sont proposées en nous concentrant sur des cas d’usage typiques des blockchains que nous étudierons plus en détails : les « cryptomonnaies » bien sûr, la certification de documents (avec l’exemple des diplômes), et nous mentionnerons également le cas des NFT. Cela nous permettra en conclusion de questionner de manière générale le caractère d’« innovation de rupture » que l’on associe souvent à cette technologie.

Bio: Pablo Rauzy est maître de conférences en informatique à l’Université Paris 8 et membre de l’équipe PASTIS du LIASD. Avant sa prise de poste à Paris 8 en 2016, il a été doctorant dans l’équipe SEN de Télécom ParisTech puis post-doctorant dans l’équipe Inria Privatics au CITI. Ses travaux de recherche portent de manière générale sur la sécurité et touchent à différents aspects du domaine — privacy et contrôle, formalisation et modélisation, cryptographie et implémentation —, toujours avec la volonté d’une approche émancipatrice consciente du caractère non-neutre des sciences et technologies. C’est ce souci qui l’a conduit à devoir finalement s’intéresser aux blockchains dans le cadre de sa recherche, pour rendre accessible au plus grand nombre leur fonctionnement, leurs limites, et leurs dangers.

CITI seminar – Eleftherios Kofidis (University of Patras) – 24/01 at 14:00

Speaker: Eleftherios Kofidis (University of Patras)

Date: 24/01/2023

Time: 14h00

Place: Amphi Chappe/Lamarr, 6 avenue des arts, La Doua Campus

Title: Tensor methods and applications

Abstract: Tensor models have been well established as a natural and powerful way of representing systems and data that involve multiple aspects/dimensions. Assisted by their unique ability to unveil latent information through tensor decomposition methods, they have proved successful in numerous applications. In this talk, I will present some of our recent work and results on tensor methods, with example applications including wireless communications and remote sensing.

Bio: Eleftherios Kofidis received the Diploma (MEng) and Ph.D. degrees in 1990 and 1996, respectively, both from the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece. From 1996 to 1998 he served in the Hellenic Army. In the period 1998 to 2000, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut National des Télécommunications (INT), Évry, France (now Télécom SudParis). From 2001 to 2004, he was a research associate at the University of Athens, and adjunct professor at the Universities of Peloponnese and Piraeus, Greece. In 2004, he joined the Dept. of Statistics and Insurance Science, University of Piraeus, Greece, where he is now Associate Professor. He is also affiliated with the Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus” (CTI), Greece. His research interests are in signal processing and machine learning, with applications including communications and medical imaging. He has served as technical program co-chair and in the organization and technical program committees of a number of conferences. Dr. Kofidis has served as Associate Editor in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, the EURASIP Journal Advances in Signal Processing, and the IET Signal Processing journal.