PhD Defence: “Study and development of wireless sensor network architecture tolerant to delays”, Yosra Zguira, Est Amphitheater, Humanities Building, 20th of December 2018, at 14h00


Study and development of wireless sensor network architecture tolerant to delays


Transport has become fundamental in the cities to the well functioning of the economy and the welfare of the city population. For several years, transportation faces many issues such as traffic jamming, high accidents rate, unhealthy life due to smoke and dust, air pollution as a result of carbon emission, etc. To deal with these matters, researches integrate digital technologies to ground transportation which is known as Intelligent Transport System (ITS). ITS can sense, analyze, collect, control and communicate different data. This thesis investigates and proposes a new protocol for data collection applications in an urban environment.

We make three main contributions: firstly, we propose a new protocol denoted the “Internet of Bikes” IoB-DTN protocol which applies Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network (DTN) paradigm to the Internet of Things (IoT) applications running a data collection application on urban bike sharing system based sensor network. The protocol is evaluated on a realistic scenario by assessing the buffer management policies, the number of copies sprayed in the network as well as the number of bicycles used. Secondly, a comparative evaluation of the performance of the multi-hop IoB-DTN protocol with a low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technology, LoRa/LoRaWAN type is investigated. LPWAN have been designed to provide cost-effective wide area connectivity for small throughput IoT applications: multiyear lifetime and multikilometer range for battery-operated mobile devices. This part of our work aims at providing network designers and managers insights on the most relevant technology for their urban applications that could run on bike sharing systems. Finally, we propose an efficient IoB-DTN protocol based on data aggregation mechanism. We propose three variants of IoB-DTN: IoB based on spatial aggregation (IoB-SA), IoB based on temporal aggregation (IoB-TA) and IoB based on spatio-temporal aggregation (IoB-STA). We compare the three variants with the multi-hop IoB-DTN protocol without aggregation and the low-power long-range technology, LoRa type. Comparison results verify that the three variants of IoB-DTN based on data aggregation improve several metrics such as the delivery rate, energy consumption and throughput.



  • Nathalie MITTON, Directrice de recherche Inria, Rapporteure
  • Mohamed MOSBAH, Professeur des Universités, Bordeaux INP, Rapporteur
  • Bertrand DUCOURTHIAL, Professeur des Universités, UTC, Examinateur
  • Alexandre GUITTON, Professeur des Universités, Clermont Auvergne, Examinateur
  • Hervé RIVANO, Professeur des Universités, INSA Lyon, Co-directeur de thèse
  • Aref MEDDEB, Professeur des Universités, ENISO Sousse, Directeur de thèse

CITI is hiring an intern

Déploiement d’un laboratoire 6lowpan


Ce stage a pour objectif la mise en place et l’administration d’un réseau d’objets connectés (IoT) ainsi que le développement d’applications qui seront utilisées au sein du réseau. Les objets reposeront sur le protocole 6lowpan (802.15.4 pour la couche PHY et MAC) pour communiquer. Enfin les objets déployés seront majoritairement des Raspberry PI 2 et 3 équipés de dongles pour émettre et recevoir les paquets. Un dernier objectif consistera à écouter de manière discrète le trafic ainsi généré par les applications.


Fiche complète ici : stage-6lowpan-citi

CITI Talk: “On combining Networking with Computing and Research with Innovation”, Pascale Vicat-Blanc (INRIA-Agora) on December 12th at 2pm


On combining Networking with Computing and Research with Innovation


Integrating virtualised network, caching and computing into one system is becoming a natural trend to support very demanding emerging mobile applications.
I have been exploring and contributing to these ideas since many years in the context of high-performance computing (HPC), DataGrids, Cloud infrastructures, Software as a service and the Internet of Things. In this talk, I propose to articulate the researches and developments I had the chance to conduct on this topic in academic, start-up and industrial environments, and to summarise the lessons learned from these experiences. I will then briefly present my new perspectives in the field of augmented intelligence for analysing and optimising fog systems integrating tightly networking and computing.


Short Bio:

Pascale Vicat-Blanc is senior scientist at Inria. After a career as Assistant Professor at Ecole Centrale de Lyon, she joined INRIA at ENS Lyon. As the head of the RESO project team she has supervised a dozen of thesis on advanced networking and Internet protocols and co-authored 150+ articles. She had a leading role in many national and EU initiatives like eToile with EDF and CEA, DataGrid with CERN, Geysers with SAP or SAIL with Ericsson and Orange. She helped with the creation of the national Grid5000 instrument as well as of the INRIA-Bell Labs with Nokia. She received the Joliot-Curie Award from the Ministry of Research in 2011 and the Innovation Award from Académie des Sciences, INRIA and Dassault Systems in 2013. In 2010, with a team of four PhD students she launched the Lyatiss startup for valorising their research results in the domain of IT infrastructure virtualisation and orchestration. Then, they launched a SaaS (Software as a Service) company in USA, CloudWeaver, extending the technology developed by Lyatiss with TCP sensors and machine learning tools to provide network performance insights to AWS and GCE customers. Then, acquired by F5 networks (FFIV), they integrated CloudWeaver analytics pipeline with the F5’s MANO platform. After that, Pascale was appointed as the F5 IoT initiative leader to define the IoT strategy and products of the company. Since September 2018, Pascale Vicat-Blanc is back to France and INRIA. Member of the Agora team, CITI lab at INSA, she is starting new researches in the domain of fog computing and networking for smart cities.

[Pop’Sciences Forum] Big Data, Big City, Big Mother

Venez poser un regard critique et constructif sur les enjeux, les opportunités et les limites des transformations de l’urbain par le numérique.


C’est Lundi 3 Décembre au Tuba à Lyon, plus d’info ici.

Au programme :

• 09H00 – 19H00 | Atelier créatif : QUI VA PAYER LA VILLE INTELLIGENTE ?
• 19H00 | Carte-blanche à Marie-Cécile Paccard, designer : LA VILLE DE DEMAIN, PLUTÔT “SMART” QUE “BIG MOTHER” !
• 19H45 | Pop’Cast (émission radio participative) : BIG DATA EN VILLE – Opportunités et limites pour la vie privée et les biens communs.
• 21H15 | Ciné-débat : IS BIG DATA WATCHING US ? Black-mirror donne le change