There has been a growing interest on understanding and optimizing Wireless Sensor Network MAC protocols in recent years, where the limited and constrained resources have driven research towards primarily reducing energy consumption of MAC functionalities. In this talk, we expose the prime focus of WSN MAC protocols, design guidelines that inspired these protocols, as well as drawbacks and shortcomings of the existing solutions and how existing and emerging technology will influence future solutions.
Abdelmalik Bachir received the graduate degree from the National Institute of Informatics, Algiers, Algeria, in 2001, the DEA diploma in informatics from the University of Marseille, France, in 2002, and the PhD degree from Grenoble Institute of Technology, France, in 2007. He took research positions at Avignon University, France Telecom R&D, Grenoble Institute of Technology, Imperial College London, as well as CERIST Research Centre, Algiers. Currently, he is a professor at Biskra University, Algeria and a consultant at Imperial Innovations. His research interests include: MAC and Routing protocols for wireless networks, wireless network deployment optimisation, mobile user mobility profiling, and inter-vehicle communication.