CITI Talk: “Entropy and Cost of Anti Uniform Huffman Codes” by Daniela Tarniceriu, Technical University “Gh. Asachi” of Iasi, Romania in Amphi Chappe, June 12th


In this talk, the class of anti-uniform Huffman (AUH) codes for anti-uniform sources with finite and infinite alphabets is considered. The characteristics of such sources as well as Huffman codes for such sources are first recalled. The sequence of bits corresponding to the output of a anti-uniform source encoded with a Huffman code is modeled by a Markov source. Its characteristics are derived from the encoding procedure describing the Huffman code. The Huffman encoding process is viewed as a transmission through a channel, which input would be the input symbols, and its output, the output bits.
The class of AUH sources is known for their property of achieving minimum redundancy in several situations. It has been shown that AUH codes potentially achieve the minimum redundancy of a Huffman code of a source for which the probability of one of the symbols is known. The AUH codes are efficient in highly unbalanced cost regime, with minimal average cost among all prefix–free codes. These properties determine a wide range of applications and motivate for the study of these sources from the information theory perspective.
Starting from the AUH structure, the average codeword length, the code entropy and the average cost are derived. These results are customized for finite and infinite sources with different distributions (Poisson, negative binomial, geometric and exponential).

Daniela Tarniceriu (PhD. 1997) is a full professor at the Technical University “Gh. Asachi” of Iasi, Romania since 2001. Her research interests are in the fields of information theory, digital signal processing, statistical signal processing, data compression and encryption. She is the co-author of 8 books, 85 journal papers and 65 conference papers. She was involved in several research grants: two as scientific leader, two as coordinator, and 12 as scientist.
Since 2016, she is the Dean of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ETTI) of the Technical University “Gh. Asachi” of Iasi, Romania and between 2008 and 2016 she was the head of the “Telecommunications” Department of the ETTI. Since 2013 she is the head of the Doctoral School of the ETTI.