The CITI Lab is recruting a Software Engineer/Developer/Administrator to support the development and the deployment of the CITI Lab platforms. The ‘Fonctionnaire’ position is a tenure position.
Work Environment
The CITI Lab is a research laboratory affiliated to INSA Lyon and INRIA. With more than 90 people, the CITI Lab is focusing on scientific issues of ‘Connected People in a Digital World’ with 5 main complementary topics: embeded systems, radiocommunications, network protocols and architectures, middleware and distribution systems, and personal data. These topics cover multihop radio networks (sensors, vehicular networks), cellular networks (5g), IoT and robots networks, and social networks. The CITI Lab is holding many international collaborations (Princeton University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) and strong industrial partnerships (Orange Lab, Alcatel Lucent, Redhat).
The CITI Lab is developing several hardware and software platforms internaly in each team. These proof-of-concepts demonstrate our scientific results and allow real testbed experimentations. The heterogeneity of the plaforms is important: software components for IoT, communication protocols, personal data leaks, intermediation platform. The recruted engineer will mainly contribute in priority / 50%-time to the FIT IoT Lab/CortexLab platform with sensors and robots. He will be in charge of analysing, developing, supervising the software development under the supervision of the leader of the platforms. The platforms being in constant evolution, documenting and maintaining will also be part of the charge.
Required Skills Algorithmic Software Development Integrated Development Environment Continuous Deployment Unix System Administration Open-source Tools Knowledge Programming Languages (Java, Javascript, C, Python, Ruby, Golo) Agile Project Management If possible – Knowledge in Networks, Radiocommunications, Distributed Systems, Embeded Systems – Laboratory Scientific Skills.
Fabrice Valois – Head of the CITI Lab
University Application
Job description in French