The next CITI talk will take place on the 29th of April at 11 am. This talk entitled “Visible Light Communication for the Internet-of-Things” will be presented by Stefan Mangold, founder of Lovefield Wireless (Switzerland) and associate professor with ETH Zurich.
Visible Light Communication (VLC) with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) as transmitters and receivers enables low bitrate wireless adhoc networking, which is an interesting approach for consumer electronics such as toys and related applications in the entertainment industry. LED-to-LED VLC networks with VLC devices communicating over free-space optical links achieve a throughput of a few kilobit per second at distances of up to ten meters. LED-to-LED VLC networks are useful for combining light bulbs and illumination with low-complex networking. In this talk, we present recent research achievements in this field, address open challenges, and demonstrate the performance of a software-based VLC physical layer and a VLC medium access control layer that retain the simplicity of the LED-to-LED approach.
Speaker biography
Stefan Mangold owns the Swiss tech company Lovefield Wireless, which assists the industry with product innovation and technology transfers. Stefan Mangold has been with Disney Research until 2016, where he guided a team to contribute to The Walt Disney Company’s wireless research (toys, theme parks, mobile networks). Before joining Disney in 2009, Stefan worked at Swisscom in Switzerland and before that, at Philips Research, NY, USA. His research covers many aspects of wireless communication, for example, protocols and system aspects for wireless LAN, visible light communication, and the Internet-of-Things. Other research interests include smart toys and play patterns, and magical experience designs for the entertainment industry. Stefan teaches a course at the ETH Zurich, publishes, and generates IPR in related areas. He received his Dr.-Ing. / PhD. degree in electrical engineering / telecommunications from RWTH Aachen University in Germany.