The next CITI talk will take place on 10th October at 10 am in TD-C. This seminar entitled “European projects and strategy” will be presented by Marie-Cécile Barras, in charge of European projects at Insavalor, and by Florent de Dinechin for Socrate, Frédéric Le Mouel for Dynamid, Hervé Rivano for Urbanet, Mathieu Cunche for Privatics, and Olivier Simonin for Chroma.
A special CITI seminar on the European projects/strategy will take on a slightly different format from the usual ones.
On the one hand, Marie-Cécile will present an overview of the current/future European calls, the networking meetings, the support tools set up by INSAVALOR, etc.
On the other hand, each CITI team will present its scientific challenges and European strategy/partners.