Complex Event Processing over Data Streams
The concept of event processing is established as a generic computational paradigm in various application fields, ranging from data processing in Web environments, over maritime and transport, to finance and medicine. Events report on state changes of a system and its environment. Complex Event Processing (CEP) in turn, refers to the identification of complex/composite events of interest, which are collections of simple events that satisfy some pattern, thereby providing the opportunity for reactive and proactive measures. Examples include the recognition of attacks in computer network nodes, human activities on video content, emerging stories and trends on the Social Web, traffic and transport incidents in smart cities, fraud in electronic marketplaces, etc. The goal of this talk is to first provide an overview of this field and second discuss some major challenges that arise due to the high volume and velocity of the generated event streams. In the end I will discuss the building blocks of our recent system to mitigate the inherent issues in CEP.
Syed Gillani is currently an ATER in CITI INSA Lyon. His research interests are in the broad area of database systems, stream processing, query optimisations and Semantic Web. During his PhD he proposed various techniques to bridge the gap between core Semantic Web concepts and database optimisation techniques. Furthermore, he proposed a new query language and its implementation for the Semantic Complex Event Processing.