Software Engineer Position – Embedded Operating System Development
Title: Integrating Sytare persistence support in the RIOT operating system
Keywords: Embedded Software, Microcontroller, Energy Harvesting, Checkpointing
Location: CITI laboratory, INSA Lyon, France
Funding: 2-year INRIA contract (starting ASAP) with a gross salary of ∼2500€ per month.
Contact: please write to both <Tanguy.Risset@Insa-Lyon.fr> and <Guillaume.Salagnac@Insa-Lyon.fr>
The context of this work is the design and study of operating systems for the Internet of Things (IoT). We are interested in an emerging class of IoT platforms which rely on harvesting energy from their environment (solar, heat, radio). Such systems have to deal with vastly different constraints compared to more traditional networked embedded systems powered by a battery. In addition to minimizing energy consumption in general, the system must also be able to survive power failures due to unfavourable conditions. These hypotheses have a significant impact on many aspects of system design, including software development. Since 2015, the CITI lab develops Sytare, a proof-of-concept operating system layer targetted at such intermittent platforms. The goal of this project is to integrate the persistence features from Sytare in the RIOT operating system.
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